Paying for Cocaine Rehab
Cocaine’s damaging effects extend well past a person’s physical health and psychological well-being. More oftentimes than not, addicts are left with little to no financial resources by the time they’re ready to enter cocaine rehab.
As someone in the throes of cocaine addiction remains helpless to take control of the problem, getting needed cocaine rehab treatment becomes the only means for breaking the hold drugs have on his or her life. In this respect, many may feel trapped between a rock and a hard place when it comes time to pay for cocaine rehab treatment.
Paying for cocaine rehab can be challenging in light of the devastation the drug wreaks in a person’s life. Fortunately, drug rehab programs offer various treatment options, some of which may be more affordable than others. Considering how drug abuse has all but become an epidemic in the U. S., the availability of government assistance options can also help pay for cocaine rehab expenses.
Meeting Your Treatment Needs

Many insurance policies cover all or a portion of substance abuse treatment.
There’s no sense in paying for cocaine rehab unless the type of treatment provided meets a person’s individual treatment needs. Cocaine addictions have a way of dismantling a person from the core, leaving a shell of the “self” in its wake. While the physical aspects of addiction can be excruciating, the psychological aspects of addiction present the most difficult challenges in the recovery process.
When choosing between treatment programs, it’s essential that the one you decide on treats both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. For some people, this may entail long-term residential treatment care. For others, long-term outpatient care may be all that’s needed.
In any event, it’s important to remember that not cocaine rehab programs offer the same level or quality of care. Otherwise, a person risks paying for services that do little to address his or her actual treatment needs.
Treatment Options & Costs
Detox treatment marks the starting point for any type of drug rehab, so these costs should be factored in at the start. For people coming off chronic cocaine addictions, treatment may well entail detox followed by inpatient care. Some programs offer both detox and inpatient services, which provide 24-hour monitoring and treatment care for the duration of the program. Not surprisingly, these programs come with a high price tag.
As far as short-term and long-term residential treatment options go, both types of programs typically run anywhere from $200 to $500 weekly. Outpatient programs are the least expensive overall, though these programs tend to run longer so costs do add up.
Assistance Options
Unless a person has health insurance coverage, covering the costs of cocaine rehab will come mostly out of pocket. Fortunately, government assistance options are available to help cover treatment costs for people with no other means to pay.
According to Columbia Health, government assistance options may take the form of –
- Participation in clinical trials
- Voucher programs
- Seeking treatment at state and/or federally funded treatment facilities
Government funded facilities often use a sliding-fee scale, which allows a person to pay a percentage of treatment costs based on his or her income level. These programs also accept Medicaid insurance, which offers another way to pay for treatment costs.